WE Ministry

Women's Ministry

Our Mission

To encourage, equip, and empower women to take their God-ordained place within the kingdom of God, exercising their gifts, talents and skills to the glory of God! As women of God we are committed to service and leadership. Isaiah 32:9, 15 “Rise up, you women who are at ease, hear my voice; give ear to my speech! Your Lord has need of thee. Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high. And the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is counted as a forest.”

Our Goals

1. Spread the love of God by creating an atmosphere where women can form closer bonds. Grow in spiritual maturity by encouraging each other to take full advantage of opportunities for hearing the word of God in Bible Study, Sunday School and worship services. 2. Spiritually encourage unity and strength in the Church by cultivating a more inclusive fellowship by reaching out aggressively to all female members: single, married, young, senior citizens, long-term, and new members. 3. Reach out and fellowship with other Churches. 4. Support, nurture and celebrate our young ladies by serving as mentors as they enter into womanhood.

Our Leadership Responsibilities and Objectives

1. Commit to monthly meetings the first Monday night at 7:00 p.m., unless deemed otherwise by holidays, etc. 2. Plan and organize Christian fellowship activities such as Annual Women’s Day, Christmas fellowship, retreats, trips and other programs. 3. Provide an outlet for members to donate goods (i.e., clothing, personal hygiene products, and food to external organizations in our community). 4. Enhance knowledge as we endeavor to organize a “Sisters” book club to read and discuss upon completion of reading.

Contact us

The Women’s Ministry meets the 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions click the button below to email us and we will be in touch shortly.
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